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It was while working at a Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, Canada that the author met many American contractors who specialized in nuclear contract work within North America.

These men and women jokingly called themselves Nuclear Whores and the website in which they found work was called

According to the online ‘Urban Dictionary’, a Road Whore is defined as: “A temporary worker from out of town. In engineering and construction, road whores seek out and find massive bonuses, high pay rates, hazardous duty pay, per diem, housing allowances and any form of premium remuneration”.

These new friends taught him the ways of the contractor and he soon began a life as a nuclear contract engineer, moving from project to project around Ontario.

Soon after beginning his life as a nuclear contract worker, the author met and fell in love with a news journalist while doing improvisation at Second City in Toronto.

Three years later they got married. A year after that they gave birth to a son.

Unfortunately their love was short-lived. It ended two years into their marriage while living in Kincardine, Ontario while working under contract at the Bruce Nuclear Facility and she was home with their son.

One day, she packed everything including their son and moved to Oakville leaving the author in Kincardine, all alone.

Like many parents who suddenly find themselves inthis position, the author was surprised when told he was not an equal parent of his 1 year old son, but was what his divorce lawyer referred to as a “Secondary Parent”.

As such, he was not allowed to talk to his son whenever he wanted or to see him whenever he wanted. He had to fight to see his own son, and this took time.Without his boy in his daily life, he couldn’t eat, sleep or work. He was absolutely devastated.

After a few days, he went to his family physician who was immediately concerned for the author’s well‑being. This country doctor suggested a personal remedy of his for overcoming difficult times; he told him to concentrate all his thoughts away from the negativity of the present to the funny, happy stories of his past. He suggested trying to relive these memories, by recollecting them through painting, writing, songs, etc...

So, he wrote.

Each day, he concentrated on one funny, true story from his past. He would think about it for hours at a time, sometimes all day, and then would write it down. It took 42 days for the author’s lawyer to get visitation permission to visit his son in Oakville and in that time he wrote the stories that compile this blog.

Penetrations and Erections

Ludka came by my desk one day and said in her thick Polish accent with a slight smile, “Max, I want to help you with your erections”.

Yeah, as if an engineer’s skin isn’t white enough, she had to go and say that. Visions of my worst nightmare entered my mind.

My face must have had a look of slightly confused mixed with scared because she followed with, “Your erections! Your penetrations and erections; I’d like to help you Max. We need to hurry this part”.

That's when I understood what she was talking about. Ludka was referring to some design work I was doing for her which involved erecting some brackets for nuclear valves and putting in several new penetrations through a containment wall for electrical cables.

Putting cable penetrations through a wall is a big deal at a nuclear plant as it requires regulatory approval. Ludka was worried that this work wasn't getting designed quickly enough to meet our schedule.

“I will bring you help Max!” and off she went, bobbing away like…well, a Big Chicken.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps outside of my cubicle and knew exactly who it was. Bill, who was at least 104 years old, stood five feet tall and was shrinking more with every day was coming to see me.

Okay, maybe he wasn't 104 years old but I'm convinced he was around before electricity.

You could usually find Bill sound asleep in his office. When he walked he moved less than a foot a second and his thoughts were processed even slower. Bill used to work full-time at OPG but since retiring he came back to work on contract; most likely because he slept better at work than he did at home.

So although his cubicle was only 20 feet from mine, I could hear Bill slowly walking towards me for at least a full minute. When he arrived at my cubicle he was out of breath and gasping a little.

He smiled and said slowly, “I hear that someone needs help with their erections.”

As he smiled I could see the space between his upper dentures and his gums where some food was stuck.

To quote Alice Cooper, “Welcome to my nightmare”.

To make this wonderful situation even more enjoyable for me, Mauro, my next door neighbour, left a note on my desk while I was away at lunch.

“Max - heard you’re having problems with your erection, this should help. Love, the Team”.
A small blue pill was taped to the bottom of the note.

Yeah. Quite a life I've got. Quite a life.

1 comment:

CFandM said...

Would you file this under Office Politics, Office Protocal or Office Romance??
A Good chuckle on this one..